500 Years of Texas History — Learning from our past DVD

500 Years of Texas History — Learning from our past DVD


This 2-hour, professionally produced video series emphasizes just how critical an adequate supply of water was to the cowboy and rancher… and how they accommodated the changes brought about by the invention of barbed wire.



Before the arrival of the explorers or the settlers, the Native Americans were equally dependent upon water for survival.  Students hear about the Six Flags that flew over Texas; how the Spanish explorers introduced the horse to Native Americans and changed the balance of power on the Plains forever; the tragic story of the two captures of Cynthia Ann Parker and about her son, Quanah, the last Chief of the Comanches. The “trail boss” talks about cattle drives and explains what life was like on the trail. The video production is supported by classroom materials – two series of DIME NOVELS, a “Windmills and Barbed Wire” coloring book, and an exciting Cattle Drive Game round out the program.

A comprehensive Teacher Guide is included in this purchase.